Zildjian 13" ZBT Hi-Hats Reviews 5

i bought these hats in a pack with the 18" crash/ride for about 150$. i was a begginer at the time and needed some cymbals to start off with so i bought them.

i had them for 3 years and they were honestly great hi-hats. i dont know why there are so many bad reviews on these hats. they had an incredible chic sound and were great when opened. over the years i got better and so i puchased some a custom mastersound hi-hats and sold the zbt's to a friend whos a beginner- he loves them. i believe that these hats have the same sound quality and potential as some of zildjian's higher end hats.

not much-like most cymbals they get fingerprits pretty easily but theres polishes and u can even use buffer to clean them.

these hats are made out of sheet bronze i guess and whatever else zildjian puts in there. they are extremely durable and are great for rock music which is what i play-however im sure there multi-functional.

these are great hihats for beginners. obviously u would want to upgrade after a while but like i said i used these hats for 3 years with no problems

crisisdrummer rated this unit 5 on 2003-09-08.

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